This factor might be useful to trace other phenotypes, and find for correlations.
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Bastian Greshake Tzovaras
Scale system?
It might be a good idea to use a scale to report this phenotype, like the Kinsey scale which allows reporting the own sexuality on a continuum from 0-6
Well that can be another phenotype then
SInce this is very direct. And measuring in between differences might cause some analyses of SNP harder.
BEcause its easier to compare all te SNP of someone, that is attracted to same sex, and then exclude the SNP from those who aren't. And find a possible SNP ref
genetics of male homosexuality
I have my doubts if male homosexuality is caused by a genetic marker the most cases. Because 12% of men do say they were gay look here:
That's far too often! I rather believe that the most gays are gay cause of epigenetic effects(x-inactivation, genome inprinting, dna-methylation error). Only 2 of 9 gays do have indeed a genetic muation in their code!
Anaro Lexnon
That report was an interesting read and I agree finding sexuality in the genes is waaaay beyond our abilities at present. It's just too interesting a subject for us to leave alone :)
After reading the wikipedia Kinsey scale article and and doing the test linked at the bottom, that too seemed a very dull instrument, couldn't find another online test that would be suitable though.
Perhaps we could approach it from another way, measure Homophobia;
Then correct for known anxiety-related genes because of:
pretty unlikely people would share the results of a homophobia quiz though :(
I love how no one reads the entire thing.
There was a common snp that was found. Not a gene but a snp, in my opinion we don't know enough about how gene's work to say that isn't enough to be a defining factor.I am sure that factors in utero and the environment also play a part.