User |
Variation |
John Lloyd Scharf |
Diagnosed |
Bastian Greshake Tzovaras |
Undiagnosed |
soler |
undiagnosed |
Altorfer |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Justin Loe |
No |
Kelvin Lynch |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Lizzie |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Al |
undiagnosed |
Rhonda Lea Kirk Fries |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Sune Wallentin Gøttler |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Frank J. Herrick |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Daniel Goldowitz |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Laura Wilson |
No |
Angel Harris |
rs17300539(A;G) |
Jennifer Jewell |
Undiagnosed |
Melissa C |
No |
a |
No |
Donald Meek |
Rs17300539(a;g) |
JJBodamer |
No |
Buntysg2 |
Diagnosed |
Angela Anderson |
No |
Julie |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Pamela |
No |
Ian |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
atelepen |
No |
keely |
Undiagnosed |
sheeshoo |
No | |
No |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Sonny |
Diagnosed |
Anaro Lexnon |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Clara Joyce Schaeffer Miller |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
PoisonIvy |
No |
Salena |
No |
Greg Baronegreg |
Undiagnosed |
Phyllis Heffner |
No |
Ed |
No |
lisa |
Rs17300539(a;g) |
fabio |
Undiagnosed |
lonewolf |
Undiagnosed |
Kazumichi SATO |
Undiagnosed |
Kelly Neff |
No |
No |
Melissa |
Rs17300539(a;g) |
Nic D |
Rs17300539 gg |
Linda Johnson |
No |
David Petersen |
No |
José Augusto V. Pereira |
High blood pressure, low Hdl |
Rs17300539(a;g) |
Erin |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Valentijn |
No |
Tonya Geldbach |
No |
Traci |
No |
Marco |
Undiagnosed |
Q Bargo |
No |
Gigi |
No |
Ramon |
No |
BP508 |
No |
sabrina |
No |
mary |
High blood pressure, low hdl |
John A Kuehn |
Diagnosed |
TiffR |
No | |
No |
David |
Undiagnosed |
kell |
Not diagnosed but fit the criteria (symptomatic). |
Lauren Lupton |
Undiagnosed |
Anonymous11 |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Daniel |
Not diagnosed but fit the criteria (symptomatic). |
Tracy Mortenson |
Diagnosed |
Sarah Adler-McDonald |
No |
Kristen L. Ramsay |
No |
Joni |
Undiagnosed |
Rod Merrill |
No |
p53 |
No |
B |
High blood pressure, low hdl |
Duane Kaufman |
Not diagnosed but fit the criteria (symptomatic). |
Karen Connelly |
Rs17300539(a;g) |
moontide |
Diagnosed |
Traci |
No |
salijackt |
Diagnosed |
laschai |
No |
lsmontgomery76 |
No |
Mary Katharine Bretsch |
Most but not all criteria. |
jellicoe1992 |
Most but not all criteria. |
Ilan |
No |
lms18808 |
No |
Audrey Burns |
Rs17300539 gg |
Jared Sylvia |
Rs17300539 gg | |
Undiagnosed |
KurtGreis |
Most but not all criteria. |
13DNA13 |
Most but not all criteria. |
lukisch |
Most but not all criteria. | |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Whynot |
No |
R-BY86444 |
Undiagnosed - sure |
mamabear242 |
Not diagnosed, no symptoms |
Klevine |
Rs17300539 gg |
stephen bradley |
No |
Kaley White |
No |
Mikasa_adelyn |
No |
owl |
No |
otis |
No |
imapepper2 |
Not diagnosed but fit the criteria (symptomatic). |